Multi-year agreement signed between Nyrstar and SEA-invest group, taking 7,200 truck journeys off the road

Wednesday May 12, 2021

Budel-Dorplein, May 12th, 2021 – Nyrstar, a global multi-metals business with a market leading position in zinc and lead and SEA-invest, one of the world’s largest terminal operators for dry bulk, breakbulk, fruit and liquid bulk, have extended their collaboration and have signed a multi-year agreement for further increasing Nyrstar’s cargo transport by rail.

It is Nyrstar's ambition to use the greenest mode of transport for importing raw materials and exporting finished and by-products from their sites to market: most is done by sea vessel, barge and train. However, Nyrstar continuously investigates solutions how it can make its production, products and logistics processes even more sustainable and is committed to continuing to lower greenhouse gas emissions related to its operations through a wide range of actions.

Daniel Vanin, Nyrstar’s CEO: “Nyrstar collaborates with partners who help make the shift towards carbon neutrality. In this case, Sea-invest and Nyrstar are combining their expertise to make logistics processes even more sustainable. Signing this contract with SEA-invest and the millions of euros both organisations are investing to improve operations and infrastructure, increases our effort to further reduce the road transport for our cargo as much as we can.”

Since July 2010, SEA-invest has been providing Nyrstar with full railway services: SEA-rail. Own wagons transport raw materials from the dedicated Antwerp Bulk Terminal (ABT) in the port of Antwerp to the sites of Nyrstar in Balen, Belgium and Budel, The Netherlands. The ABT is currently being adapted to receive and store approx. 200,000t of Nyrstar Budel cargo by rail annually. Transporting this tonnage by train from September 2021 represents a reduction of 7,200 truck journeys per year.

The collaboration between Nyrstar and SEA-invest is based on the shared responsibility to contribute to a safer and healthier environment. Michel Moons, Manager for SEA-Invest: “our business principles include growing together, with our customers, through long-term partnerships. This contract is an excellent example of two parties that have been working together for years and who have a continued focus on increasing productivity and efficiency with the common goal to reduce the environmental impact of our daily operations.”

Other projects Nyrstar is undertaking with regard to sustainability in logistics include revising transported maximum weights and dimensions and increasing barge and bulk transport.


Nyrstar is a global multi-metals business, with a market leading position in zinc and lead. Nyrstar has mining, smelting and other operations located in Europe, the United States of America and Australia and employs over 4,000 people.The company’s global operations are located close to key customers and major transport hubs to facilitate delivery of raw materials and distribution of finished products. In July 2019, Nyrstar’s operating business became majority owned by Trafigura, one of the world’s leading independent commodity trading companies. Visit

SEA-invest is one of the world’s largest terminal operators for dry bulk, breakbulk, fruit and liquid bulk and employs over 4,500 people. The group has established a worldwide reputation in the fields of stevedoring, warehousing and other port related activities. SEA-invest is active in 25 ports spread across two continents and is integrated in a great number of industries. Their proximity and connectivity to both the producer and the end destination has enabled SEA-invest to become a crucial link their customers’ supply chain. Visit

Gytha Steenvoorden - Global Head of Communications, Nyrstar - - +31 6 13 335 894