Energy production from sun and wind is increasing.
This requires flexibility in our networks. So that we can actually use all the all the electricity at the moment it is offered. And we can reduce the amount of electricity we use when demand is high but supply is low.
Nyrstar can make a significant contribution by investing in what we call the 'virtual battery'.
Nyrstar's electrified production process is extremely flexible.
As a result, we already have the unique ability to absorb peaks in electricity demand and troughs in electricity production. And we help to balance the electricity grid.
We also emit almost no CO2 and and use up to 100% green electricity, partly from renewable production at our factories.
But we can do more.

More when possible, less when needed.
Based on the energy supply, we can adjust our electricity demand. Is there enough solar and wind power? Then we produce more. The energy is then converted into a valuable product rather than being wasted. Is the energy supply diminishing or is there too much demand? Then we simply reduce our energy consumption and production.
This principle is what we call 'Nyrstar's Virtual Battery'.
Nyrstar's unique electrolysis process is ideally suited for an even more flexible way of production. By investing in expanded electrolysis capacity, we can maximise our flexibility and maintain the same annual production. This is essential for our sustainable profitability.

The advantages.
By investing in the 'Virtual Battery':
- Nyrstar helps maintain the high voltage grid balance.
- National energy shortages need not be met by gas and coal-fired power stations, which could save up to 200 kT of CO2 emissions per year.
- Nyrstar helps to integrate more renewable electricity.